Muttering mummy

Daddy love, early in the morning

Daddy love, early in the morning

Greeting loyal readers and fellow maremmas. Do you have, as Me and Nellie do a muttering and yelling mummy? Mummy spends a lot of time muttering and yelling at Me and Nellie. She says things like:

  • ‘Get out of my way, you great furry lumps’.
  • ‘I must have been bad in a previous life to have you two in this one’.
  • ‘Get off my garden beds’
  • ‘Come here’, which gets progressively louder and louder with each utterance.
  • ‘Food on the kitchen bench is not for your consumption, Jasper’.
  • ‘Get your head out of the rabbit cage’.
  • ‘No, no, which bit of N and O don’t you understand, Jasper?’
  • ‘Stop playing bitey face inside, you two’.

Me and Nellie really don’t understand what she is going on about.  After all, are We not the bestest maremmas in all the land.  Maybe, she is confusing Me and Nellie with someone else.   Does your mummy say certian things to you to?  Love Nellie and Jasper.

Playing bitey face

Playing bitey face


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18 Responses to Muttering mummy

  1. You look pretty angelic to us!

  2. Kuruk says:

    You two are pawfect! Your mummy is just so silly! Wooowooooo, Ku
    p.s. Today is my re-Birthday!

  3. fredrieka says:

    I think your perfect. There are two black dogs in this family we could use a white fuzzy one..

  4. I have many other names but one of them is GET OFF THE FLOWERS BEDS MOLLY!!!! I feel your pain. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Perhaps she is having visual hallucinations – that would explain it! Take her to the vet and get her checked out! Lee and Phod

  6. Kyla says:

    Our house is run for the benefit of the dogs.

  7. Your Mum can NOT be referring to you. You are perfect. Sometimes Mom tells me I’m going to get a spankin’. It sounds like I’m going to get some bacon. It makes me very happy. ….but then she does not follow through and I’m left standing in the kitchen and Mom says I am a genius. I don’t think she means it.

    Love and confused licks,

  8. harrispen says:

    We are often referred to as knuckleheads but we don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

    Millie & Walter

  9. Kim Noble says:

    HELLO from fabulous Las Vegas! Could you please email me at and let me know how COLD does your winter become? I realize it is your summer, however, our local garden centers have set up large Australian plant exhibits, drought tolerant, hybrid blends. I have purchased every different type I find, but, as we sometimes get snow, just wondering if I should wrap them in burlap? Unfortunately, our garden centers don’t have a clue, other than, duh, these plants don’t need agua. Hope you are having a great summer, love the blog!

  10. dougalldog says:

    Floyd and I always get that one… “Do you to have to wrestle right here!?”

  11. fozziemum says:

    Nellie and Jasper..we has the same mummy!! “Forrest stop digging up cat nuggets” “Forrest move you lummox” “For crying out loud must you two do that..honestly I give up” hmmmmyep same mum 😉 hugs Fozziemum xx

  12. maybe the muttering is common on all mom’s? I think that’s the reason why the german word for mom is “mutter” :o) But I’m sure she loves the bestest Maremmas in all the land very much :o)

  13. Hahahaha When I had my Samoyed brothers Oskar and Jester I muttered a lot too! Usually it was Quit wrestling on the couch! Jester get out of the trash! That is NOT a tug of war toy! I am sure that those are all code for I LOVE YOU TONS AND TONS, don’t you guys?! It was always what I really meant in the end.
    Nose kisses because I miss giving them
    Marty the Manx’s Mom Kelly

  14. Ohhhh myyyyyyyyyy yessssssssssss!! The things that MY mummy says aren’t fit to print! Here are some of the milder ones
    1) “Shut him UP!” when I am on a barking roll….she says this to Daddy
    2) “Go to Daddy, he is on Team DOG and I am on Team CAT” (Oh YES SHE DID!!)
    3) “Behave you giant furball”
    The rest have to be rated MA………BOL!
    Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  15. Mags Corner says:

    Oh, yes our mom mutters sometimes too she even mutters at Popsy. We just don’t know about these muttering mamas they surely don’t mean to be muttering to all of us well-behaved dogs and cats…we are all always good aren’t we? Hugs and nose kisses

  16. Basil says:

    Sounds like she just doesn’t appreciate you two! Come move in with me!!

  17. Hmmm…. That “which bit of N and O don’t you understand?” sounds familiar to us! 🙂

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